A clean login experience across all products with a portal to manage every user
Enable common identity across all your products with a clean, customizable login experience. Enable your customer success teams to manage user access, activation, and more in one portal.
User Management
Verify, block, or lock accounts, reset passwords, assign them to your customers, request access to their profiles, and more, all from one experience.
Social Logins & WebAuthN
Configure social logins or custom federation that you can apply to products globally for your platform. WebAuthN options coming soon.
Email Magic Links
Passwords are a pain point for most users. Give them a better option by enabling email magic links for all your login screens.
Custom Domains
Ensure that your own experience of UE Auth can be accessed by your customers with URLs that reflect your company. Make it your platform.
Organizations & Enterprise SSO
Manage your customers and ensure they have the tools they need
Define Organizations to represent your customers or internal departments and create a multi-tenant model to group your users and product access.
Customer-licensed Products
Product access starts with product purchase. Track which customers licensed which products and map your user access accordingly.
OIDC, OAuth2, & SAML
Reduce the complexity of authorization for your customers with a simple experience that will allow your products to authenticate through your customers’ internal identity and access.
Seamless Federation
UE Auth can act as a seamless passthrough to other login providers while capturing user data so you can utilize our features and maximize existing investments.
Employee Data Management
Empower your customers to manage data about their people while simultaneously empowering your users to manage who can see their PII through request approvals.
Product Access
Manage your login options, roles, and permissions per product
Define product to map roles (RBAC), fine-grained permissions (FGA), customer licensing, login federation options, API security, and more, all in one place.
Product Management
Map your security needs like custom login configurations or API access to your business product definitions in one place.
Define fine-grained permissions that map to your product and describe every action possible (FGA) and organize those permissions by roles (RBAC).
User & Product Access by Customer
Onboard customers to your products by defining a customer admin, user product access per customer, and user product roles/permissions per customer.
Self-Service Screens
The experience you need, ready to go from day one
The UE Auth portal is adaptive to the permissions of users and safe to expose to your customers. Save months of development time by using the screens we’ve already built.
Account Management
Every user has an account dashboard that they can use to manage credentials, notifications, organizations and more. Just link them to your UE Auth portal.
Customer SSO Configuration
You customers can define their own SAML, OAuth2, or OIDC enterprise SSO federation without your help and at no additional cost to you.
Customer User Provisioning
Empower your customers to add their own users and manage their user data securely without your help.
Customer-licensed Product Access
Your customers can update user access to products that their users are using through domains, roles, and associated fine-grained permissions, all on their own.
Biometric Security & Audit
Mobile-based biometric security features to keep your users safe
Enable biometric challenges for MFA and personal data access requests, browse system audit reports for product logins and more, and automate integrations with webhooks.
Biometric MFA
In partnership with our biometric transaction challenge partner, UE Auth ensures that your users are always in control of their accounts. Feature requires download of the Auth App.
Secured Profiles
Secured profiles are personal data that a user may choose to store in UE Auth which no one can ever see without that user’s explicit approval.
System Audit Reports
Every action, update, or transaction is tracked and available for audit. See which users are logging into which products, track revenue leaks, or just audit changes to your data.
System Event Webhooks
Integrating a new auth provider can be hard. UE Auth makes it easy by allowing webhook integrations that sync our records with yours or by triggering actions in your network.
API Security & Integrations
Security does not stop at login, you must secure your technology access
Create machine-to-machine (M2M) API access credentials mapped back to your products to ensure your entire infrastructure is secure.
Customizable OpenID Connect
Configure credential access for your microservices, PKCE code authorization for your SPAs and mobile apps, implicit grants for your web solutions, device flows for IoT, and more.
M2M OAuth2 Security
Automate client credential token requests without fear of unreasonable upcharges. Secure your cross-network http communications.
Fine-grained Access for Clients
UE Auth has a robust fine-grained permissions and roles systems for users, but did you know you can use it to secure M2M access too.
Custom Authorizer for AWS
Easily integrate your AWS stack through our UE Auth Custom Authorizer built for AWS API Gateway.